Welcome to the Maersk Retirement Benefit Scheme website

Chair's message

In my previous message I reported that the MRBS Section of the Maersk Retirement Benefit Scheme had entered into an insurance contract, called a buy in, with Legal & General in order to provide further security for member’s benefits and the Trustee had undertaken a number of projects to confirm member benefit entitlements.

November 2024

Other news

Scheme merger, Wind up and Bulk annuity update

An update on a number of recent developments which are significant steps towards both securing and potentially improving your Scheme benefits for the future.

The rising cost of living

Data from the Office of National Statistics show that UK households are currently being hit by the steepest annual rise in inflation since the early 1980s.

Stay scam smart

Criminals are using ever more sophisticated methods to come between you and your money. Here’s how you can help keep your cash safe.

The Scheme’s financials

At least every three years the Trustee formally reviews the Scheme’s funding. This review is known as a Triennial Actuarial Valuation. It measures the Scheme’s assets and liabilities and shows whether the Scheme has a shortfall or is in surplus.

Each year the Trustee is required to provide you with an annual update on the funding position of the Scheme.